Editorial Activities
Co-Editor with Dragolov G & Delhey J (2023). Research topic: The COVID-19 pandemic and social cohesion across the globe. Frontiers in Sociology.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Welzel C, Boehnke K, Delhey J, Deutsch F, Eichhorn J, Kühnen U, Dragolov G, Hess S, & Larsen M. (2024). The Values in Crisis Project: A three-wave panel study in Germany and the United Kingdom. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 12(1), 1. (open access)
Larsen MM, Dragolov G, & Delhey J. (2023). Editorial: The COVID-19 pandemic and social cohesion across the globe. Frontiers in Sociology, 8: 1182452. (open access)
Larsen MM, Boehnke K, Esenaliev D, & Brück T. (2021). Social cohesion, ethnicity and well-being: Results from an intervention study in Kyrgyzstan. Kul’turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-Historical Psychology], 17(4), 46–55. (open access)
Arant R, Larsen M, & Boehnke K. (2021). Acceptance of diversity as a building block of social cohesion: Individual and structural determinants. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:612224. (open access)
Jewett RL, Mah SM, Howell N & Larsen MM. (2021). Social cohesion and community resilience during COVID-19 and pandemics. A rapid scoping review to inform the United Nations Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 recovery. International Journal of Health Services, 51(3): 325-336. (open access)
Ponizovskiy V, Arant R, Larsen M, & Boehnke K. (2020). Sticking to common values: Neighbourhood social cohesion moderates the effect of value congruence on life satisfaction. Journal of Community and Applied Psychology, 30(5): 530-546. (open access)
Larsen M, Esenaliev D, Brück T, & Boehnke K. (2020). The connection between social cohesion and personality: A multi-level study in the Kyrgyz Republic. International Journal of Psychology, 55(1): 42-51. (open access)
Delhey J, Boehnke K, Dragolov G, Ignácz Z, Larsen M, Lorenz J, & Koch M. (2018). Social cohesion and its correlates: A comparison of Western and Asian societies. Comparative Sociology, 17(3-4): 426-455. (open access)
Larsen M, Krohn J, Püschel, K, & Seifert D (2014). Experiences of health and health care among women exposed to intimate partner violence: Qualitative findings from Germany. Health Care for Women International, 35(4): 359-379. (abstract)
Larsen M (2011). Review of the book ‘Welfare States and Public Opinion: Perceptions of Healthcare Systems, Family Policy and Benefits for the Unemployed and Poor in Europe’ by Claus Wendt, Monika Mischke, and Michaela Pfeifer. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23(4): 558-561. (link)
Seifert D, Krohn J, Larsen M, Lambe A, Püschel K, & Kurth H (2010). Violence against children: Further evidence suggesting a relationship between burns, scalds, and the additional injuries. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 124: 49-54. (abstract)
Larsen M, Tax C, & Botuck S (2009). Standardizing practice at a victim services organization: A case analysis illustrating the role of evaluation. Administration in Social Work, 33: 439-449. (pdf)
Casey S, Larsen M, McGinn T, Sartie M, Dauda M, & Lahai P (2006). Changes in HIV/AIDS/STI knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among the youth in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Global Public Health, 1: 249-263. (pdf)
Larsen M, Casey S, Sartie M, Tommy J, Musa T, & Saldinger M (2004). Changes in HIV/AIDS and STI knowledge, attitudes, and practices among commercial sex workers and military forces in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Disasters, 28: 239-254. (pdf)
CARE, IRC, & ARC. (2004). Tackling HIV/AIDS in post-war Sierra Leone. Forced Migration Review, 19, 24-25. (pdf)
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Boehnke M, Larsen M & Deutsch F. (2021). Consequences of feminized migration: How are family gender relations affected? In R Abramowksi, A Hokema, I Dingeldey, A Schäfer, & S Scherger (Eds.), Geschlechterungleichheiten in Arbeit, Familie und Wohlfahrtsstaat [Gender inequalities in work, family, and the welfare state] (p. 413-435). Campus Verlag. (open access)
Larsen M, Arant R, Grossert B, & Boehnke K. (2018). Willkommenskultur, Werthaltungen und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe: Was stärkt was in der ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘? [Welcome-culture, values, and social participation: What helps in the ‘refugee crisis‘?] In S. Stürmer & A. Rohmann (Eds.), Die Flüchtlingsdebatte in Deutschland – Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven. Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie [The refugee debate in Germany – Social psychological perspectives. Contributions of applied psychology] (p. 79-92). Frankfurt: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. doi: 10.3726/b13549
Larsen M, Koch M, & Dragolov G. (2018). Measuring social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 49-68). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Dragolov G, Larsen M, & Koch M. (2018). Level, trend, and profiles of social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 69-96). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Dragolov G, Koch M, & Larsen M. (2018). Macro-level determinants and consequences of social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 97-136). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Larsen M & Dragolov G. (2018) A new perspective on social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 137-148). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Larsen M (2016). Health inequities related to intimate partner violence against women: The role of social policy in the US, Germany, and Norway. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29565-7
Welzel C, Boehnke K, Delhey J, Deutsch F, Eichhorn J, Kühnen U, Dragolov G, Hess S, & Larsen M (2023). Values in Crisis – a crisis of Values? Moral values and social orientations under the imprint of the Corona pandemic. GESIS, Cologne. ZA7989 Data file Version 1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.14148
Working Papers and Reports
Dragolov G, Larsen M, & Koch M. (2017). What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar: Methods Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (pdf)
Dragolov G, Larsen M, & Koch M. (2017). What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar: Codebook. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (pdf)
Arant R, Larsen M & Boehnke K. (2016). Sozialer Zusammenhalt in Bremen [Social cohesion in Bremen]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (pdf)
Arant R, Larsen M & Boehnke, K. (2016). Sozialer Zusammenhalt in Bremen: Methodenbericht [Social cohesion in Bremen: Methods report]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (pdf)
Arant R, Larsen M & Boehnke K. (2016). Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt in der Stadt Bremen: Codebuch [Social cohesion in the city of Bremen: Codebook]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (pdf)
Larsen M & Boehnke K (2016). Measuring social cohesion in the Kyrgyz Republic: The Social Cohesion Index. University of Central Asia’s Institute of Public Policy and Administration Working Paper No. 37, Bishkek. (pdf)
Maine D & Larsen M (2004) Blaming the victim? The literature on utilization of health services. Background paper prepared for the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health. New York: United Nations.
Larsen M (2003). Post-intervention survey report: HIV/AIDS/STI knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) survey among commercial sex workers, military, and youth in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Freetown, Sierra Leone: American Refugee Committee, International. (pdf)
Talks and Paper Presentations (* invited)
* Larsen M. (April, 2024). Leading change together. Women in Leadership Conference of Constructor University. Bremen, Germany.
* Larsen M & Boehnke K (December, 2019). The connection between social cohesion and health: A multi-level analysis of Germany. Research Seminar Series “Culture Matters” of the Center for Sociocultural Research at the Higher School of Economics. Moscow, Russia.
* Larsen M. (January, 2019). Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Die Bedeutung für das Sicherheitsgefühl [Social cohesion: The meaning for a feeling of security]. Conference on Sicherheit im öffentlichen Raum [Security in the Public Sphere]. Deutsche Hochschule für Polizei and Deutsch Europäisches Forum für Urbane Sicherheit. Münster, Germany.
Arant R, Dragolov G, Larsen M, & Boehnke K. (September, 2018). Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Grundlage für ein glückliches Leben? [Social cohesion: Foundation for a happy life?]. Maritimen Woche, Haus der Wissenschaft. Bremen, Germany.
* Larsen M & Arant R. (March 2018). Sozialer Zusammenhalt in Bremen Quartieren [Social cohesion in Bremen neighborhoods]. Gesunde Quartiere in Bremen und Bremerhaven [Healthy neighborhoods in Bremen and Bremerhaven]. Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit Bremen e.V. Bremen, Germany
* Arant R & Larsen M. (November, 2017). Sozialer Zusammenhalt in Bremen: Warum starke Nachbarschaften wichtig sind [Social cohesion in Bremen: Why strong neighborhoods are important]. Forumssitzung des Präventionsrates [Forum meeting of the Prevention Council]. Präventionsrat Bremen West. Bremen, Germany.
* Boehnke K, Dragolov G, & Larsen M. (November, 2017). Social cohesion in Asian societies: Does it foster citizens’ health and well-being? Keynote at Regional Conference of Psychology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
* Larsen M. (October, 2017). Panelist for Assessing and measuring social cohesion. Workshop on Research Informed Social Cohesion Programming and Policy Development, UNDP Oslo Governance Centre & SIPRI. Oslo, Norway.
* Larsen M & Arant R. (August, 2017). Sozialer Zusammenhalt in Bremen Quartieren [Social cohesion in Bremen neighborhoods]. Gesunde Quartiere in Bremen und Bremerhaven [Healthy neighborhoods in Bremen and Bremerhaven]. Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit Bremen e.V. Bremen, Germany.
* Larsen M. (June, 2017). The Social Cohesion Radar: Results from the international, intra-German, and Asian studies. Keynote for BIGSSS Summer School on “Social Cohesion in a World of Increasing Diversity”. Bremen, Germany.
* Larsen M. (November, 2016). Panelist for Appropriate Concepts and Flexible Strategies and Tools to Implement and Measure Social Cohesion. CMI & GIZ Peer-to-Peer Technical Workshop: Strengthening Social Cohesion in Mediterranean Municipalities Hosting Refugees. Sanliurfa, Turkey.
* Larsen M. (September, 2016). Panelist for Making Cities Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable: Implementing UN SDG 11. SIPRI Stockholm Security Conference on Secure Cities. Stockholm, Sweden.
* Larsen M. (April, 2016). Measuring social cohesion in the Kyrgyz Republic using the Social Cohesion Index. 2016 Stockholm Forum on Security and Development. Stockholm, Sweden.
* Larsen M. (February, 2016). Measuring social cohesion in Kyrgyzstan: The Social Cohesion Index. Progress Workshop on the Social Cohesion Through Community-Based Development Project. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Boehnke K, Delhey J, Arant R, Dragolov D, Ignácz Z, Koch M, Larsen M, Lorenz J, van der Noll J & Schiefer D. (November, 2015) Measuring social cohesion throughout the world and at home. Talk for the BIGSSS Field B Colloquium. Bremen, Germany.
Larsen M & Brzank P. (May, 2015) Socioeconomic resources, IPV exposure, and self-assessed health in the US, Germany, and Norway. Young Scholars Meeting of the Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence. Lisbon, Portugal.
* Larsen M (March, 2015). Gesundheitsungerechtigkeiten in Bezug auf Partnergewalt gegen Frauen [Health inequities related to intimate partner violence against women]. Hamburg Chapter of Terre des Femmes. Hamburg, Germany.
Larsen M (April, 2014). Linking welfare state policy to socioeconomic status and intimate partner violence: A comparison of the US, Germany, and Norway. Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence. Valletta, Malta.
Larsen M & Brzank P (March, 2014). Connecting social policy, women’s agency, and health inequities among intimate partner violence survivors: A comparison of the US, Germany, and Norway. Workshop on Intimate Partner Violence in Marginalised Settings: Re-theorising Agency for Global Public Health. London, UK.
Larsen M & Brzank P (November, 2013). The welfare state impact on social inequalities in health for women with histories of intimate partner violence in the US and Norway. 6th European Public Health Conference. Brussels, Belgium.
Larsen M (August, 2013). A comparative framework for identifying welfare policy interventions to reduce health inequities among survivors of intimate partner violence. International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives. Jyväskylä, Finland.
* Larsen M (April, 2013) Health inequities of intimate partner violence victims under differing welfare regimes: Preliminary results from Norway. Talk for the Child and Family Welfare Group at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA). Oslo, Norway.
Larsen M (September, 2012). An international comparison of the relationships between social position, intimate partner violence exposure, and health outcomes. Joint Congress of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology and the German Society of Medical Sociology. Hannover, Germany.
Larsen M (December, 2010). Health systems, intimate partner violence, and health inequalities. Talk at the BIGSSS Scientific Advisory Board Meeting. Bremen, Germany.
Larsen M, Krohn J, Püschel K, & Seifert D (May, 2010). Gesundheit und Behandlung: Erfahrungen und Bedürfnisse der Opfer von Partnergewalt in Hamburg [Health and treatment: Experiences and needs of victims of partner violence in Hamburg]. 19th Spring Conference of the German Society of Forensic Medicine – North Region. Gießen, Germany.
Larsen M. (September, 2008). Der Aktionsplan zur Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen in Deutschland: Die Perspektive der Opfer [The action plan to combat violence against women in Germany: The perspective of victims]. Talk at the Opening Seminar of the German Chancellor Fellowship. Bonn, Germany.
Larsen M, Berretty P, & Botuck S (May, 2007). Linking research to services for victims of violence: A multi-method model for standardized practice. Wurzweiler School of Social Work Conference. New York, NY.
Sartie MT, Gutman M, Saldinger M, & Larsen M (October, 2003). Strengthening AIDS prevention among commercial sex workers and military forces in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium Annual Conference. Brussels, Belgium.
Poster Presentations
Larsen M & Brzank P. (May, 2015) Socioeconomic resources, IPV exposure, and self-assessed health: In the US, Germany, and Norway. Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence. Lisbon, Portugal.
Larsen M, Krohn J, Püschel K, & Seifert D (August, 2013) Experiences of health and health care among women exposed to intimate partner violence: Qualitative findings from Germany. International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives. Jyväskylä, Finland.
Vigeant M, Tax C, Larsen M, & Botuck S (February, 2008). Rethinking risk and safety with victims of crime and abuse. American Psychological Association’s Summit on Violence and Abuse in Relationships: Connecting Agendas and Forging New Directions. Bethesda, MD.